I have a new creation, that i will most definetly update more because... well. Its much more interesting than my life these days. I have a new blog. SO check it out. There will be updates on the daily if possible... with actual events. I would like to thank my co-conspiritor Jill. Who... her and i will be managing the blog. Check it....
Thank you,
The assistant the to regional manager
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yes blog world, Im still alive...
I think of the one that I've become. Left blind from the brightness of your Halo. No one shines, like you do. My filthy mouth and broken words. This small disease that leaves me, crawling. Crawling to you. Crawl on the ground for cover, staying close to the dark to keep from falling , from falling. Sold my life to bring the rain, maybe to wash me clean. Sold my soul to stop the pain, hoping you'd set me free .All your fear, all your shame. You know that you can lay it all on me. That you can lay it all on me. I took every chance to lash my tongue. You wore the scabs just like an Angel. There's something about you. Horrible things that I have done. Seems this disease is slowly spreading. Start running, what would you do? I crawl on the ground for cover. Staying out of my mind to keep from dying, from dying. Sold my life to bring the rain, maybe to wash me clean. Sold my soul to stop the pain, hoping you'd set me free. All your fear, all your shame. You know that you can lay it all on me. You know that you can lay it all on me. Would you forget then what I said and how I died inside my head. We're starting over, not pretending that the past is dead. All the pain you'd feel you owned. And times I've should have known. Don't keep it inside, let it out and lay it all on me!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Buisness in the front, Party in the back!
Alright SO. My cousins and I always sing this song that I used to love when i was a kid. I had the cassette tape and would play it over and over. I just watched the video... and WOW. I am embarassed by my taste in music when i was a kid. Whats more embarrasing are these mullet freaks singing it. I couldnt stop laughing when i watched this. The mulltes, OR Ape Drape. Beaver Paddle. Bi - Level. Camero Cut. Buisness in the front, Party in the back. Canadian passport. Coupe Longveuil. El-camino. Hockey hair. Kentucky waterfall. Missouri comprimise. Mudflap. Neckwarmer. Ranchero. Shlonc (short + long). Achy-breaky-bad-mistakey. Soccer rocker. Squirrel pelt. Tennessee tophat. Yep-nope. KILL ME. I duno. For some reason whenever i think mullet i think of a fellow with the following: My hobbies are sexual harassment, taking advantage of intoxicated employees at company gatherings, browsing thru kiddie porn on company time, etc. So when i see kids with mullets... thats just wrong. Take a gander at the video. Here is your laugh for the week
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dont be mad... get GLAD! (and not gladware)
So ive decided to post something like one or two times a week that make me giggle. Todays topic... My dad. Rex. I bet alot of you didnt know that he works nights as a drag queen. Dont believe me? See for yourself!!!

To book Rexanne for events and parties please utalize the following to contact his agent.
Phone: 1800-dad-as-drag
Email: Maleidenitycrisis@gmail.com

To book Rexanne for events and parties please utalize the following to contact his agent.
Phone: 1800-dad-as-drag
Email: Maleidenitycrisis@gmail.com
Monday, April 27, 2009
Looking for an ADVENTURE?

HI! LINDSEY HERE... YOUR ADVENTURE GUIDE! (im talking... excuse me, YELLING.. in the Billy Mays voice.)
Well as most of you may not know... i now reside in the promise land. (Utah) I moved up to go to hair school in June. Im workin graves at the Maverik gas station... which brings me to my next point. When I went into maverik to fill out my paperwork... i saw that my positions title was "Adventure Guide." I immediatly began to laugh inside, like Uncle Sam does everytime he rapes my paycheck of the wages ive rightfully earned. Anyway- im pretty much running the show in Mav at night.. im the only one working. Apparently its "aventures first stop." SO if youre looking to "Live a little" why dont ya stop on by. We can cruise down the candy aisles... get jacked up on mountain dew, and buy random things like a 10 dollar bottle of nyquil, oil, a blatter buster soda at 4AM, paper towlels, and some chew. And another thing... dont try to mess with me! For instance... if you want cash back when you use your debit card.. common sense.. most places only give up to 20 dollars. SO dont come in 2 nights in a row and be creepy... using your debit card for LITTERALLY a 27 cent piece of gum, and when i ask you if you want cash back... proceed to tell me, "Yes. One thousand dollars please." C'mon now. Be a little bit more clever than that. People wonder why I dont have a boyfriend... its cause you continually prove to me your lack of brain cells ceases to exist... if you want to pick up on a girl.. show her you have more than 27 cents in your bank account. In conclusion... i would like to reiterate the phrase that pays in my life.. "THE FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT."
More updates to come, for this I am sure. :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Believers Never Die Tour!
Sunday night, my friend Tiffany and I went to a concert. We had been looking forward to it for a few months. The headlining band was Fall Out Boy, whom ive always wanted to see in concert! They were GREAT live. The other bands that performed were: Hey Monday, All time low, Cobra Starship, Metro Station, and of course Fall Out Boy. It was a REALLY awesome and entertaining show. Of course, I forgot my camera. I aksed the teenager sitting next to me if she would e-mail me the pictures she was taking. I gave her my address, but she has failed to do so. She kinda looked at me like i was loopy for asking her. The pics i got were taken with my phone. They arent that great, but they'll suffice. ALSO, i made a new playlist with one song each from the bands that played. So while youre reading other blogs, leave a window open with my blog and have a listen, they are all pretty good listens! Probably my favorite thing in the world to do is see bands play live! I love to do it and wish i could more often, money permitting. Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My soul on the web.
Via the request by Mrs. Vikkie, i've decided to share some stuff i've been writing. I also wanted to put up some of my favorite artwork i've found on the web. SO.... gaze. and enjoy :) (i hope)

Don't let the silence get you down, though you've been sitting here for hours, hoping a voice could soon be found that speaks much louder than this music. For you're a little off colour and out for the count, don't let that get you down. Don't let the talking keep you up, if they're your friends they'll share your vision...And as the phone rings breaking the silence... they will figure out that you don't want to answer. For you're a little off colour and tired of the sound...Don't let it get you down. Don't let the people make you think that just because you're young you're useless, You know it's not naive to think that you can change the things around and that no man is an island. For I'd rather be a pebble in an ocean vast and drown alone, Than make no sound at all.
Monday, February 23, 2009

Alright. I did this the past 2 years and this year i am helping with a new group of friends and collecting donations and participating in the AIDS walk. Any little bit helps. I am trying to give back a little. At times i may get down on myself, but I also realize that there are others out there that are way less fortunate than me and who are suffering. I, however, have my health and my amazing family and good friends. The following link is my personal donation page where u can donate any amount. Anything is greatly appreciated! Your donation will go towards support and advocacy for adults and children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in southern Nevada. AFAN works to reduce HIV infection through prevention education to eliminate fear, prejudice and the stigma associated with the disease. My link:
P.S. I know this wasnt a life update... but i will be doing that as soon as something happens worth talking about :) Love you all!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I pull out my shotty and shoot fool's like John Gotti
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
It seemed like any typical crisp winter friday night in vegas. I was home alone scrounging for food in the kitchen. The front door opened and Jess walks in. I wasnt expecting to see her! I didnt know she was commin down. SO Jess had the bright idea that we should go for a bike ride on my new bike and she would take Moms new pink beach cruiser.
We only had like 45 minutes of daylight left. We headed up the road laughing at one another cause it had been so long since either of us has been on a bike. We get maybe a mile away from the house when my cell phone falls outta my pocket. So i pull on my breaks. My bike and I come to a hault.... and so do my handle bars. They came off the bike!!!! I was like WHAT THE DEUCE?!?! So i put the handle bars back in the socket but they wouldnt attach right, so i was unable to control my front tire. I couldnt even walk along side my bike let alone ride it cause i had no control... the front tire was all skiwampitz! IT JUST SO HAPPENS that there was an Albertsons shopping cart on the side of the rode right where we had our little mishap. Jess and I put my bike in the shopping cart and i had to push the bike home (roughly about 1 mile, not sure) Oh my heck it was so embarrasing! i can imagine people cracking up.... cause i know me and jess would be rollin on the ground if we saw such a show! She laughed at me the whole way home.... it was a pretty funny time. we took a few pics with the cell phone to capture the moment.
Im sure there will be many more adventures to tell of bike rides.... if you know how "special" i am.... i always get myself into some sort of mess!
The bike in the shoppin cart

We only had like 45 minutes of daylight left. We headed up the road laughing at one another cause it had been so long since either of us has been on a bike. We get maybe a mile away from the house when my cell phone falls outta my pocket. So i pull on my breaks. My bike and I come to a hault.... and so do my handle bars. They came off the bike!!!! I was like WHAT THE DEUCE?!?! So i put the handle bars back in the socket but they wouldnt attach right, so i was unable to control my front tire. I couldnt even walk along side my bike let alone ride it cause i had no control... the front tire was all skiwampitz! IT JUST SO HAPPENS that there was an Albertsons shopping cart on the side of the rode right where we had our little mishap. Jess and I put my bike in the shopping cart and i had to push the bike home (roughly about 1 mile, not sure) Oh my heck it was so embarrasing! i can imagine people cracking up.... cause i know me and jess would be rollin on the ground if we saw such a show! She laughed at me the whole way home.... it was a pretty funny time. we took a few pics with the cell phone to capture the moment.
Im sure there will be many more adventures to tell of bike rides.... if you know how "special" i am.... i always get myself into some sort of mess!
The bike in the shoppin cart

The freakin handlebars came off!!!!

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